
Fantasia receives a superb performance!

Karin Fernandes recorded works of Edson Zampronha in her new CD S’io Esca Vivo, and it includes a superb performance of the work Fantasia!

Fantasia was composed for clarinet, violin, cello and piano. It comprises a set of short musical segments (20-30 seconds long) that are connected for the production of a surprising and appealing diversity of expressions.  

Listen to Fantasia and experience a rich diversity of expressions!

Karin Fernandes recorded Fantasia playing with a great team of performers! They have put a lot of themselves into this performance, and we can feel it! They are:

Ana de Oliveira, violin
Luis Afonso Montanha, clarinet
Adriana Holtz, cello
Karin Fernandes, piano

Also take a look at the great cover of the CD S'io Esca Vivo (below) 
(design and pictures by Gabriel Victal and Karen Montija).

All details have been fulfilled to accomplish a perfect CD!

S’io Esca Vivo will be released in September!


  1. Vou ouvi-la mais vezes, para senti-la melhor.

    1. Olá Dulcinea, que ótimo! Esta música é daquelas que, quanto mais se escuta, mais coisas vão sendo reveladas. É uma sucessão de descobertas para nossa escuta, descobertas profundas e muito significativas. Espero que você esteja gostando!
